
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I Told You So

The BBC Network rated the top Sci-Fi movies of all time recently. Surprisingly (to some) Star Wars was not at the top of the list. In fact, Serenity, the continuation of the television series Firefly, was rated almost two-to-one higher than Star Wars. I have been a huge fan of Firefly and Serenity since I first saw it. I can only hope that this means it may be returning to a television near you.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Fool your pet into thinking he still has balls!

Neuticles allowing your pet to retain his natural look, self esteem and aiding in the trauma associated with neutering.

And while you're at it, you can get a lucky testicle for your keychain!

In the Future, All Robots Will Poop

Seriously, what will they come up with next?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Why was this not available when I lived in Hawaii?

Until today, I thought that the DVR on my digital cable was the greatest invention since sliced bread. Now the folks at the Reef Sandal Company have shown me an even better thing. Sandals with a built in flask. Who knows? Maybe while walking down the beach you might get the urge to have a little whiskey. Stranger things have happened.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Video From A Few Years Ago

I first saw this video when Paul (the Dude) Hilger Introduced me to

Sunday, March 18, 2007

My Favorite TV Show (Not Safe For Work)

Mouth-To-Mouth Portion of CPR May Cause More Harm Than Good In Some Cases

A Japanese study detailed in the New York Times has found that people suffering from cardiac arrest were more likely to recover without brain damage if rescuers focused on chest compressions rather than on rescue breaths. Some experts advised dropping the mouth-to-mouth part of CPR altogether. Interrupting chest compression to perform mouth-to-mouth ventilation might do more harm than good if blood flow to the heart was not properly re-established, a researcher from Tokyo's Surugadai Nihon University Hospital said. According to the article, 'More than 300,000 Americans die from cardiac arrest each year. Roughly 9 out of 10 cardiac arrest victims die before they get to a hospital — partly because they do not get CPR.

Battle Over Television Voilence

Time reports the guardians of decency are warning about new trouble, with a capital T, which rhymes with V, which stands for violence. The Parents Television Council (PTC), the group at the vanguard of the TV-sex wars, has lately focused on Prime Time blood: power-tool torture on 24, serial killing on Criminal Minds, vivisection on Heroes. And the FCC has prepared a draft report suggesting that Congress authorize it to regulate broadcast violence, as it now does obscenity, and possibly force cable companies to let subscribers opt out of paying for channels that run brutal content In short, torture is the new sex. Jack Bauer is the new Janet Jackson.
Hilarious: the people who created sex, drugs and rock and roll, who glorified thug life and guns, are suddenly all concerned with the moral character of America's teens. That's about as credible as the idea that they're really worried about musicians' fortunes.

"Yet this is about far more than the size of a particular slice of the pie. This is about a generation of music fans. College students used to be the music industry’s best customers. Now, finding a record store still in business anywhere near a campus is a difficult assignment at best. It’s not just the loss of current sales that concerns us, but the habits formed in college that will stay with these students for a lifetime. This is a teachable moment — an opportunity to educate these particular students about the importance of music in their lives and the importance of respecting and valuing music as intellectual property."


British Airways Corpse Passenger

Apparently, BA was unprepared to have a passenger die mid-flight. An elderly women died of natural causes and the flight crew moved her corpse to first class and straped her in. The woman's daughter was also moved up to first class to sit next to her mother's corpse weeping for the rest of the flight.

In response, R. A. Meredith, an American news analyst and idiocy expert said, "The British people have lost their sense of propriety. They have become characters from their silly little TV shows."

I Want A Job With These Guys

Stunning. That is the only word for this. The people at Zug.Com bought the cheapest Super Bowl Commercial ever.

Apparently, the reason why this has not been the most talked about thing on television is the fact that people would be fairly terrified to know that it can be that easy to break into the major sporting event and take control of something like this. Here's how they did it...

Shaq Is WAY Too Big To Be Doing This.

LeBron, Dwight Howard, and Shaq breakdancing at the NBA allstar game practice. This is the poop!

Its good to see these monsters of the NBA actually just goofing off. makes them seem more like real people.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Tom Petty Has Five On It

Normally I don't appreciate hip hop and rock being mashed together. That is, Unless it is the Beastie Boys and the Who. However, I do like this one.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I just learned about this

So, what do you get when you bring together the world's best sand sculpters and a few Hollywood pyrotechnic crews? Well,

You get some crazy stuff being made on the beach. Plus you got the freaks blowing them up! Turns out, eight different teams are building sculptures for a competition, five are selected at random to be destroyed before the competition is over. Those teams whose outstanding creations are destroyed then have to attempt to create something else with the remaining time. Once the competition is complete, all the sculptures are blown apart.

I also found some videos of the destruction played in reverse.

The Nun Bun

Here's an article about the "world-famous" Nun Bun which was stolen/kidnapped about two years ago. The Nun Bun is a cinnamon roll that has a strong resemblence to Mother Teresa. The REAL Mother Teresa sued the local coffee shop to C&D selling Nun Bun memorabilia.

Rap Music Also Causes Crazy White Women To Commit Crime

Here is a case where a women commited murder because of her religious belief that Tupac was the reincarnation of 16th century political philosopher Machiavelli.

The Onion Delivers Again

For those of you who enjoy humorous parady news from The Onion, you will be happy to know that they are now giving you a reason to never read again.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Massachusetts Tax Dollars Spent Well

Just when you thought that elected officials can't waste more time doing things that don't really matter at all...

Massachusetts wants to change the name of its Department of Mental Retardation, complaining too many people are confusing it with State Legislature.

Interesting Political Humor From A Few Years Ago

This is something that was on the original Distractions page and the host for that link was taken down. So therefore I thought it would be a good idea to once again provide you with a place where you can find the remix of one of George W. Bush's State of the Union Address.

Stupid Gadget Of The Month

If it is possible, I have found evidence that proves the existence of the World's Laziest Man. Someone has actually made a toilet paper dispenser. I am not kidding.

Twirl A Squirrel

A new bird feeder has been invented that does not allow squirrels to eat all of the bird seed. It does this by moving in circles rapidly to knock the squirrel off. Here is the company's homepage.

YES!!! The 2006 Wino Sign Awards

Every year Modern Drunkard Magazine publishishes their awards for the best, brightest, and funniest wino signs. Now, the 2006 results are out. Check it out. My personal favorite is the one requesting money for alcohol research.

Your Online Rights



Today NASA released two virtual flyovers of the Mars rover landing sites using 3D imagery from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The images were made using the most powerful camera ever sent to another planet, MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment. The three dimensional information is obtained by taking pairs of images from slightly different vantage points as the spacecraft orbits the Red Planet. These images can be found here and here. Enjoy.

The full story can be found here at the New Scientist Space Website.

Science Experiment Time

A new theory involving gravity, cats, and buttered toast has come to my attention. Detailed here. I will be conducting this experiment within the confines of my personal lab (my garage) this weekend on Saturday March 18th. The experiment will begin promptly at noon. Any persons wishing to attend must bring their own labcoat. Also, since this is St. Patricks Day, booze will be a necessity that I will be unable to provide for you so, bring your own shit! Also if there are any stray cats in your neighborhood or if you hate your own pet, feel free to bring them along too.